Friday, October 8, 2010


I was forcing myself get up from the bed this morning to attend early class. Can't really sleep well last night as something disturbed my good night sleep ~ Nightmare...
Suddenly I was trapped in a big house with huge staircases, alone...And it was during midnight, every corner of in the house is as dark as the night sky. I don't really understand why, the first alert comes to my mind was shut all the doors and windows tightly. So i was rushing through each floor to check on the windows and the doors as somehow I was so afraid of someone might come in.
By the time I rushed to the ground floor to check on the door lock, someone tried to twist the door lock with quite a huge force as the door had been locked. I was moving backward slowly...Then I was awake, such a relieve...
Bad dreams are hunting me this few days, all I ever wish is God can granted me some sweet dreams instead of bad dreams...

1 comment:

  1. chill gal~ alwaz keep urself in a happy mood~~ i know is hard not to think of so anythings~ but just try ur best, i know u can^^ tk dere~
